暖心狗媽媽 -3°C雪夜用體溫保護5小貓

記者 李娉婷/報導


在寒冷的雪夜,Serenity用牠的體溫溫暖了5隻小黑貓。   取自Pet and Wildlife Rescue

當民眾在路邊發現這隻流浪狗和一窩小貓時,馬上通報當地的寵物及野生動物救援收容所(Pet and Wildlife Rescue),工作人員救出這個六口之家,並在收容所中讓牠們恢復溫暖後,決定將這隻狗取名為Serenity,17日,收容所在Facebook粉絲專頁貼上Serenity和小貓的照片,並寫下:「我們的流浪甜心今晚在收容所裡保護牠的『寶寶』!」

寵物及野生動物救援收容所表示,自從Serenity的英雄事蹟曝光後,來自各地的領養申請蜂擁而至,收容所發言人阿姆斯壯(Myriam Armstrong)告訴《法新社》(AFP),有超過30位民眾來詢問,想要領養牠們,「如果沒有這隻狗的幫助,小貓將無法在加拿大寒冷的冬天中倖存。」目前還不清楚是什麼原因讓狗狗和小貓聚在一起,但若是沒有Serenity,才5週大的小貓不可能在這樣的天氣中撐下去。

來到收容所後,Serenity一樣很照顧小黑貓。   取自Pet and Wildlife Rescue


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I have been getting A LOT of attention on social media, but let me fill you in just in case you don't know my name and my story! My name is Serenity and I was found last week on the side of the road keeping 5 kittens warm. A good citizen called the shelter, a kind Animal Control Officer picked the 6 of us up and we've been living our best lives ever since! The kittens that I kept safe have been kindly taken in by a foster family and will be put up for adoption once they're old enough to be on their own. Let me tell you a little bit about myself so that the shelter can find the most suitable home for me. I'm obviously great with cats and would have no problem going to a home that has cats in it🐱. I'm estimated to be about 2 years old so I'm still young and have the energy of a toddler. I love zooming around outside and will run circles around any person or object that is out in the yard with me. The shelter staff has been working on it, but I can be quite jumpy and need to be taught some manners. At this time in my life I would do best in a home without small children that I can knock over. I've gotten along with a couple of dogs at the shelter so far – both were extremely submissive or uninterested in interacting with me. Along with my dominance I am HUGE on playing and have a tendency to get right in other dog's faces. I didn't get along with the dominant or even slightly reactive shelter dogs.I do need help with my house training as it is not perfect. The shelter staff is concerned about getting backlash for not adopting me out with the kittens that I was found with, but the kittens are not old enough to be on their own yet. If they waited for the kittens to be ready that would mean that I wouldn't have my forever family for a couple of months. It is always the staff's goal to get dogs out of the shelter environment and into their forever homes as soon as possible. At the end of the day I am just happy that the kittens were found with me and are now resting peacefully in a warm foster home instead of outside in the cold. Once I'm spayed on December 3rd I'll be ready to go! Apply to adopt me today: https://pawr.org/adoption-process-fees/ XOXO, Serenity

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